COMING SOON! Find and list unused parking spaces on SpareSpace

Welcome to SpareSpace - an online marketplace for long-term parking space rentals. Sign up below to be the first to know when we go live!


Cancelling the hassle of parking space rental

SpareSpace is a game-changing online platform that connects Hosts with vacant parking spaces to Renters in need. By enabling the renting of unused parking spaces, SpareSpace not only helps Hosts earn income but also solves the problem of finding accessible and affordable parking for Renters at home and at work.

Cancelling the hassle of parking space rental

Detailed listings and advanced search filters

SpareSpace allows Hosts to create comprehensive descriptions of their parking spaces, including any available amenities (such as a building car washing service). In turn, Renters can utilise these specifics in their search filters to find a space that perfectly matches their needs, from covered parking to additional services like car wash facilities.

Detailed listings and advanced search filters

Trustworthy listings and comprehensive review system

To maintain transparency and credibility, SpareSpace incorporates a review system for both Hosts and Renters. This creates an accountable community where both parties can make decisions based on previous experiences and ratings. SpareSpace also offers Hosts a verification process for listings.

Trustworthy listings and comprehensive review system

Secure and hassle-free payment processing

Transactions on SpareSpace are both secure and efficient. We handle all payments, providing payment assurance for Hosts, and reducing the effort for Renters by using automated credit card billing, including automatic invoicing, and tracking.

Secure and hassle-free payment processing

Be the first to know when SpareSpace goes live! Sign up for updates today.

Welcome to SpareSpace - the one-stop shop for spare parking spaces

SpareSpace allows individuals and businesses to earn income from their unused parking spaces, and/or rent additional parking spaces based on their needs.

Tim Al-Ghraoui

Tim Al-Ghraoui


SpareSpace © 2023. All rights reserved.

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